Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Imperium Romanum [PC/Eng/2008]

Imperium Romanum
Platform: PC | Lang: Eng | Publisher: SouthPeak Interactive | Developer: Haemimont | Release Date: 2008 | ISO | Size: 1.45 Gb
Genre: Historic Real-Time Strategy

Though the urban sophistication of the Romans is certainly ripe territory for strategy game developers, we have to say that this Roman city builder has definitely run its course, especially when you consider the near total lack of style of invention we ve seen in the la offering, Imperium Romanum. Built on the foundation of 2006 s mediocre Glory of the Roman Empire, Imperium Romanum feels even more dated now despite the noticeable improvements in graphics. As good as it looks though, the city management gameplay lacks style and the combat portions are woefully underdeveloped

Minimum System Requirements
* Windows 2000, XP or Vista
* Pentium / AMD Processor with at least 1,7 GHz
* DirectX 9 compatible Graphic Card (Geforce 3 / Radeon 9550 or better)
* 512 mb Ram
* 1.5 gb free disk space
* DirectX 9.0c

- Unrar
- Mount or burn with Daemon Tools
- Install , Copy Crack to Installed folder
- Enjoy

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